Brand new for 2018/19, our EDex 'Taste of Scotland' package is designed to give international students the opportunity to experience Scotland through sport.

This may be through an experience of a Scottish sport, such as curling or shinty, visiting the Scottish countryside with the Hillwalking club, or experiencing Edinburgh through Parkour.

All sessions are open to all international students, and offer a commitment free way to experience Scotland, as well as a new sport.

If you have any questions regarding our EDex packages or EDex programme in general, then e-mail - you can see our full EDex programme here


More Information


Player Layer Kit Offer

Want some sports kit? Click on the banner below to access our September PlayerLayer speacial, and get an official Sports Union midlayer for £27.50, and a t-shirt for £16.50.

Or, if you are looking for something different, then visit The University of Edinburgh PlayerLayer store.