Candidate for the position of Edinburgh University Sports Union - Honorary Treasurer

Image for Ben Dickens

Ben Dickens

Election Address 

Hi, I’m Ben Dickens a third year Classics student. As the Boat Club Treasurer for the past two years and having sat on the Finance Committee for the past year, I’ve gained a lot of experience in finding solutions to problems and managing Club finances.  I hope to be able to bring some of that experience to the role in helping clubs with problems they may have and ensuring a strong financial position.  




I aim to make best use of the funds available to increase participation throughout Sport at the University, making sure that if someone wants to take part, they have the opportunity to do so. I also aim to help clubs remain strong financially, especially as we come out of the current situation and start looking forward. Whether that be through encouraging them to apply to the various funds or troubleshooting their problems, I hope to provide a solution. I also hope to be able to help those who participate in high-cost sports to afford it and to increase participation in these sports.