UK Disability Inclusion Training

Sun 03 March 2019 09:00-15:00
Sport & Exercise, Pleasance

Scottish Disability Sport in conjunction with Home Country Disability Sports Organisations and Sports Coach UK have developed and introduced a UK Disability Inclusion Training (DIT) workshop aimed at those interested in becoming involved in sport for people with a disability. The full day workshop includes a mix of theory and practical delivery to allow participants to positively include people with a disability in physical activity and sport.

As part of the Coaching & Volunteering Academy, we will be running a UKDIT workshop at the Pleasance from 0900 - 1500 on Sunday 3rd March. To register, you MUST:

  1. Complete the online form at the following link:
  2. Purchase a 'ticket' via this web page for the total price of £20. This is a reduced rate, as the event is subsidised by the Coaching & Volunteering Academy's Coaching & Officiating Fund.

If you require any further information, then please e-mail