Edinburgh Award - Session 1

Tue 17 October 2017 18:00-20:00
Appleton Tower, Lecture Theatre 4


The Edinburgh Award is awarded by the University as a way of recognising the skills and experience gathered from extra-curricular activities.  All sports club committee members are invited to take part in the award.

The award consists of 3 sessions, 3 submissions, and 2 peer assessments, and all aspects of the award are essential to completion of the award.

To find out more about the Sports Union's Edinburgh Award for 2017/18, click here, or to find out more about the Edinburgh Award in general, click here.

You can sign-up for session 1 using the link below. Please note that you will not be fully enrolled for the award until the completion of the first submission, so feel free to come along to the first session and gain a better understanding of the award before deciding whether or not you would like to commit for the year ahead.


Session 1 Sign-Up

Submission 1 Link